Our Story - Our Mission
Silentlambs is a collective of individuals that have taken the courageous step to stand up for what is right. The website was started in March of 2001 with the writing of a simple story, "The Day the Lambs Roared".
The point of the story was that vicitms of abuse should never be silent and together they can move mountains.
On this website are hundreds of stories of individuals that have spoken out, many for the first time, on the abuse they experienced in the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is our hope that this information will help educate the public and JW’s about the extent of this problem as well as assist in helping abuse survivors to know they are not alone.
At Silentlambs we have witnessed amazing transformations when victims find their voice. Many have started the healing road in therapy, education, speaking out to family and friends, and most importantly reporting child molesters to proper authorities. In the end what is accomplished? Children are protected. That is the mission of silentlambs and if we can assist you do not hesitate to call our hotline or email us at info@silentlambs.org
We know we do not have all the answers, but we believe you, it was not your fault, and want you to know that you are not alone. For many that is the first step on the path to healing.
Jehovahs Witnesses in the News
Locate Sex Offenders in Your Area
Silentlambs maintains a registry of towns where Alleged Jehovah's Witness Child molesters have been reported
Courage Awards
As a result of speaking out on abuse many have been punished for trying to warn others in the congregation as well as endeavoring to find closure by talking about what happened to them or their family. Victims and advocates have been silenced by sanctions within the congregation that range from being marked as bad association to outright disfellowshipping for trying to protect children.
At silentlambs we realize that it takes great courage to speak out on abuse. Instead of punishing those that do we are creating a "hall of fame" for those that are so brave. We call it the silentlambs "courage" award. We honor those as champions for children and put them forth as an example of the right way abuse should be addressed.
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